#myKAMPUNGbaghlan – Afghanistan

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, with high rates of poverty and unemployment. Economic instability makes it difficult for many families to afford housing or maintain stable living conditions. Subsequent to our preliminary field visit to Kabul and Mazar last February, we have unveiled 105 underprivileged families that live in hand-dug underground homes and tents, leave them exposed to harsh Afghan seasons. They are in dire need of stable housing to ensure safety, security, and a foundation for rebuilding their lives amidst ongoing challenges.

  • CHILDRITY determined to build #myKAMPUNGbaghlan10 housing units for 10 families in precarious situation in Baghlan, Afghanistan.
  • Each housing unit will consist of one hall (25 sqm), one kitchen (9 sqm), one bathroom (4 sqm), and necessary common space, all made of bricks and concrete to assure sustainability and stability.
  • The total cost for the construction of this 10 housing units is estimated at RM388,289.47, averaging RM38,828.95 per unit.
  • Another sustainable project that we will implement in Afghanistan is 2 units water-pump – estimated cost at RM23,684.21.
  • On top of that, we will execute one-off distributions for 600 Afghan people around Kabul and Mazar; 250 packs of hot meals, 50 packs of food parcel (50kg flour and 5L cooking oil), 200 pcs of children snacks and 100 packs women hygiene kits.


Be part of our initiative to help these Afghans !